Liberty Schnoodles
From:  Jessica Mabe <[email protected]
Sent: Thursday, September 8, 2005
Subject: Schnoodle
Hi Lorene, 
I just wanted to write and say that Bella is doing great. She is such a joy to have, and she is growing like a weed. At last check she was 6lbs, and is very tall. We sometimes call her Legs or Bambe because her legs are so long. She loves meeting new people and other dogs. My mom also got a puppy from you which she named Toula. Toula and Bella had a blast a few weeks ago when my parents came to visit. They look like night and day though, Toula has curly hair like a poodle and much shorter in height and length, where Bella favors the schnauzer. Thank you for such a wonderful puppy!                                           Sincerely
From:  Erin Simmons  [email protected]
Sent:  Saturday, March 24, 2007
Subject:  our schnauzer
Two years ago we bought a schnauzer puppy from you for our sons birthday. she has been the best dog ever! We adore her and she has become a cherished member of our family. She just turned two on february 18, so we has a birthday party for her. She seems very happy here and we are thrilled to have her. I am so glad we got in touch with you. Thanks again for raising strong healthy puppies.
                                                       Erin Simmons

From: Elizabeth Tripodi <[email protected]
Sent:  Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Subject:  Henry, our schnoodle
Hi Lorene,    I just wanted to write to let you know that we are absolutely in love with our schnoodle, Henry. Since December 2006 when we picked him up, he has continually made us laugh. He is sweet, loving and a bundle of fun. He is a favorite in our neighborhood, where he is known as the "leader of the pack" - a group of puppies much larger than Henry, a Burnese and Lab, who would follow Henry to the ends of the earth!  Thanks so much for allowing us to bring such a special creature into our home.   Best        Elizabeth
The Reason a Dog has So Many Friends is that He Wags His Tail Instead of His Tongue!

Linda and I are so blessed to be the parents of Charlie Brown. He is so loving and fun to be with. Ours lives are so much more fulfilled. He is more than we could ever have imagined in a pet. He had his first hair cut today, just a trim. He is doing really well with house training and the cats. Thank you so much for the time you spend raising these little wonderful babies. We show him off and love him way to much, but he gives it all back and more!

God Bless You!
Bud & Linda Cornwell
Jan. 25, 2011
[email protected]

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Megan Richardson Email address: [email protected] Subject: Tux the schnoodle! Message: Six years ago we got Tux. I am one child out of four, and for some unknown reason my Dad decided he would finally get us a dog to help us cope with his and my Moms divorce. It didn't make sense; but all that mattered was that I finally had a dog--a very cute one at that. Now Tux is older, and sometimes he doesn't like me as much as I want him too so I tried to convince my Mom to adopt another dog from the humane society that would actually like me for my birthday. May 1st I got my second brain surgery this year, after I got home from the hospital Tux was by my side throughout the whole time. If we ever got another dog we all decided it would have to be another schnoodle because they are the best dogs in the world. Tux is helping me heal, as we went on a walk today! He truley is an amazing dog and is always there for us when we need him. I thank god every day we have him. I will try to convince my Mom to get another schnoodle from you soon so Tux can have yet another companion. I can't wait to see pictures of the new puppies as they age! Sincerely, The Richardson Family  
​SentAugust 10, 2015
[email protected]
Dear Lorene
I just wanted to write and let you know how happy with all are with our newest family member - Roxy. She is a beautiful dog with a wonderful personality and we all love her very much. She started Puppy kindergarten at 9 weeks and is catching on to everything surprisingly quickly. Both the vet and the puppy trainer have commented on what a great breeder you are, due to Roxy’s happy and secure nature and excellent health. 
I will definitely be recommending you to any prospective puppy owner. 
Best regards
Sent October 29, 2015
[email protected]

Subject - Daisy Mae the schnoodle is 15

Hi Lorene, its been a long time but just wanted to let you know that our Schnoodle "Daisy Mae" is now 15 and is still a wonderful member of our family.
We bought Daisy home in August 2000 and she has been a sweet and gentle companion to our family more than 15 years. She is moving a little slower these days, but is still a happy dog. She still manages her "Schnoodle Speedway" through the house whenever she is excited. Just wanted to let you know that one of your first schnoodles is still doing well.   Susan Leonard
Mar 24, 2016 at 5:48 PM

Name:Andrea &Chuck 
Email address:[email protected]

Subject:We are so happy with our Schnoodle!
Message:Just wanted to let you know what a wonderful dog Mac is! He was from the litter July 2015. He is the most loving, social and intelligent dog! We couldn't be more pleased.

     This is my second purchase from Liberty              Schnauzers & Schnoodles. I am delighted
     with the quality of these beautiful babies
     Lorene takes painstaking care to assure
     that they are healthy, well adjusted and 
     sweet tempered. This is a breeder that I
     highly endorse and would seek out first
     when selecting "a new family member"
                                       Thankyou Lorene
                                       Patricia F.

Double click here to add text.
July 1, 2018:  Hello Lorene, March 30, 2004 14 yrs ago we received the greatest gift when we purchased a wonderful little schnoodle, IZZY, from your kennel. She was the joy of our life's until she died of heart disease 6/12/18 after being diagnosed 12/1/20/16. Izzy was an exceptional she brought joy to every room she entered and was a virtual love machine. It was with great sadness that we had to let her go. She lived an exceptional life of love, friends, fun and travel. She did her part becoming my therapy dog (I have Parkinson's Disease) and she traveled with me every where I went. Her little body always curled around feet calming me and her wiggling tale greeting everyone she met. So now it is time for me to get a new dog. No other dog could replace or equal the love I have for Izzy so I start with your kennel to find a smart, well bread animal with great potential. Please contact me as soon as possible. Cheryl 
                  December 2019

Subject:Karlie, from litter 12/27/03. 

Message:Hi Lorene, We lost our precious Karlie today. She was 6 days short of her 16th birthday. She was the best dog, smart, well behaved and very loved by us. She had mitral valve prolapse, which occurred, very rapidly in 2017, between a vet visit in May and one in Nov. We were told at that time she had a year. Last Feb she developed kidney failure, probably from the heart medications. We were told then that she had less than 6 months. She lasted 10 months. She has been to every state, with the exception of Hawaii, Rhode Island and Connecticut. She traveled very well with us! We still have Roxie, from your litter in July of 2007. We adopted a rescue Schnoodle in Arizona, where we now winter. Wish she was one of yours, as she is a wild child. Best wishes to you and thank you for our two wonderful girls! Merry Christmas!        Denise and Bob

Hello Lorene                                      4/14/20
I hope this note finds you and your family well.
Our sweet dog, Otto, was born two years ago today, and I wanted to let you know that we couldn't be happier with him. 
Otto is always ready to play and is very gentle and loving. I have two granddaughters that are about his same age and Otto loves to follow them around & is a good sport about all the hugs and kisses they bestow on him. I've attached a recent photo of our sweet pup so you can see how he's grown. Thankyou for allowing us to adotp him! Otto's companionship is more precious than ever as we are social distancing from our human friends during the pandemic. 
All best!
Hi Lorene,
 17 years ago, we got a miniature Schnoodle from you. She was born May 23, 2006. I did not grow up with dogs. She was my first, getting her when our kids were 14 and 11. This past Friday we put down our sweet Bailey. We had 17 great years and lots of love with her. She had a great temperament with people and other dogs and was very popular in our neighborhood. We are heartbroken, but couldn't stand to see her in pain. Just wanted to reach out and say thank you for the best dog in the world. 
                                                      June 2023